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Chakra Yoga by Stefanie Heider

Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »Heart Chakra«
The Heart Chakra - "I give and receive love." The heart chakra is located at the level of your heart in the middle of your torso. If it is in...
Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »Heart Chakra«
The Heart Chakra - "I give and receive love." The heart chakra is located at the level of your heart in the middle of your torso. If it is in...

Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »Throat Chakra«
Throat Chakra - "I speak clearly and I listen." The chakra related to our communication is in our throat. If it is in balance, you can express yourself clearly and...
Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »Throat Chakra«
Throat Chakra - "I speak clearly and I listen." The chakra related to our communication is in our throat. If it is in balance, you can express yourself clearly and...

Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »The Crown Ch...
The Crown Chaka - "I am connected to the Universe." Just as one wears a crown on one's head, the crown chakra is also located on our head at the...
Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »The Crown Ch...
The Crown Chaka - "I am connected to the Universe." Just as one wears a crown on one's head, the crown chakra is also located on our head at the...

Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »The Third Ey...
The Third Eye Chakra - "I trust my intuitive guidance" Your third eye (or whatever you call this point 😉 ) is located between the eyebrows. When this chakra is in...
Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »The Third Ey...
The Third Eye Chakra - "I trust my intuitive guidance" Your third eye (or whatever you call this point 😉 ) is located between the eyebrows. When this chakra is in...

Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »Solar Plexus...
The Solar Plexus Chakra - "I am confident and love myself." Located just above the belly button, the Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with our self-esteem. If it is in...
Chakra Yoga with Stefanie Heider: »Solar Plexus...
The Solar Plexus Chakra - "I am confident and love myself." Located just above the belly button, the Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with our self-esteem. If it is in...

Chakra Yoga by Stefanie Heider: »Sacral Chakra«
The Sacral Chakra - "My life brings me joy." The sacral chakra shines in a rich orange just below the navel. Seen from below, it is the second of the...
Chakra Yoga by Stefanie Heider: »Sacral Chakra«
The Sacral Chakra - "My life brings me joy." The sacral chakra shines in a rich orange just below the navel. Seen from below, it is the second of the...