Herzlich willkommen im Wohlfühlen Blog

In diesem Blog dreht sich alles um das schöne Thema »Wohlfühlen«.

Euch erwarten aktuelle News und Themen wie Selbstliebe, Selfcare, interessante Geschichten sowie Ratschläge für ein glücklicheres Leben.

Begebt Euch mit mir auf die Reise zur inneren Balance und Zufriedenheit.


7 SAYSORRY Fragen rund um Yoga an die Yogini Kristina Maktub

7 SAYSORRY yoga questions for Kristina Maktub

Kristina is ketogenic , which means that the yogini eats an extremely low-sugar diet .

7 SAYSORRY yoga questions for Kristina Maktub

Kristina is ketogenic , which means that the yogini eats an extremely low-sugar diet .

7 SAYSORRY Fragen rund um Yoga an die Yogini Sandra Müller

7 SAYSORRY yoga questions for Sandra Müller

»You have to let go first in order to get something new.« Sandra is a yogini who has known yoga for 20 years and decided 8 years ago to complete...

7 SAYSORRY yoga questions for Sandra Müller

»You have to let go first in order to get something new.« Sandra is a yogini who has known yoga for 20 years and decided 8 years ago to complete...

7 SAYSORRY Fragen rund um Yoga an die Yogini Mandy Dettmer

7 SAYSORRY yoga questions for Mandy Dettmer

in his blog Namasté , SAYSORRY asks the yogini Mandy Dettmer how she got into yoga and what her most beautiful SAYSORRY yoga shirt is for the yogini .

7 SAYSORRY yoga questions for Mandy Dettmer

in his blog Namasté , SAYSORRY asks the yogini Mandy Dettmer how she got into yoga and what her most beautiful SAYSORRY yoga shirt is for the yogini .