Namasté Sandra, nice to have you here

SAYSORRY: Hey Sandra, how did you get into yoga?

Sandra: I got to know yoga 20 years ago and immediately fell in love with it. Over time I wanted to get deeper into yoga and decided to do an apprenticeship 8 years ago.

SAYSORRY: What else do you do in your life when you're not doing yoga?

Sandra: I spend time with my 3 children, take care of my business and experiment with new healthy recipes in the kitchen.

SAYSORRY: If someone asked you, "What is yoga good for anyway?", how would you answer that person?

Sandra: Yoga leads to a better body awareness, more serenity and more self-confidence.

SAYSORRY: What are the most beautiful moments in yoga for you personally?

Sandra: When body, breath and spirit merge in the flow.

SAYSORRY: What does »being spiritual« mean to you?

Sandra: For me, spirituality means exploring yourself and following your heart.

SAYSORRY: Don't forget this famous question... What three things would you take with you to a desert island?

Sandra: My yoga mat, a thick notebook and a couple of pens

SAYSORRY: Which shirt do you like best?

Sandra: Yoga mom

Sandra's favorite design from SAYSORRY 👉 CLICK

Here you can find Sandra on Instagram

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