Namasté Astrid, nice to have you here...

SAYSORRY: Astrid, tell us... how did you get into yoga?

Astrid: I did yoga for the first time when I was 20 years old.

I then lived in Namibia/Africa for 9 months at the age of 25 and there I had a lot of time for yoga and fell in love completely.

It grounded me, brought me to myself and is the best thing that could have happened to me in terms of health.

SAYSORRY: What else do you do in your life when you're not doing yoga?

Astrid: Not very much, since I'm a yoga teacher full-time. ;) 

I love being in my garden, I really enjoy bouldering and climbing and I'm generally in nature as much as possible.

I travel the world as often as my schedule allows, because I love to broaden my horizons.

SAYSORRY: If someone asked you, "What is yoga good for anyway?", how would you answer that person?

Astrid: It combines exercises that strengthen, stretch and promote balance. Helps you to feel and get to know yourself better again.

It's simply a health plan for retirement, both physically and mentally.

SAYSORRY: What are the most beautiful moments in yoga for you personally?

Astrid: The smile on my yogis' faces when they open their eyes after the final relaxation.

As well as the joy of accomplishing something that was previously difficult.

SAYSORRY: What does »being spiritual« mean to you?

Astrid: To me, being spiritual means being able to feel what you can't see.

SAYSORRY: Don't forget this famous question... What three things would you take with you to a desert island?

Astrid: The most important thing is definitely reading material, then come my favorite biscuits and sunscreen, because otherwise I would quickly lose my enjoyment of the island.

PS: What is your favorite SAYSORRY design?

Astrid: Tough decision... I think the t-shirt with COFFE; YOGA; WINE; REPEAT

To your favorite design 👉 CLICK

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