Namasté Kristina, nice to have you here...
SAYSORRY: Hey Kristina, how did you get into yoga?
Kristina: Yoga was offered in my fitness studio. And that's how I gradually switched from my interest in Pilates to yoga. The yoga teacher was just great and inspiring. That never left me - the feeling of contentment after a yoga class. I wanted to learn more.
SAYSORRY: What else do you do in your life when you're not doing yoga?
Kristina : My main job is an engineer and I work as a project manager in a large corporation. I know... totally crazy and totally contrary to my second job as a yoga teacher 😄. Apart from that, I love to eat, meet my friends and family (as far as I can at the moment) and love to travel. Which unfortunately is currently not enough. At the moment it's long walks and hikes that replace travel 🥰.
SAYSORRY: If someone asked you, "What is yoga good for anyway?", how would you answer that person?
Kristina : For everything. Yoga strengthens the body, helps you get to know your body better, calms your mind, improves your breathing and much more. Yoga has so many forms and facets, and I am convinced that everyone can find something for themselves.
SAYSORRY: What are the most beautiful moments in yoga for you personally?
Kristina : I experience the most beautiful moments when teaching, for example when the class breathes together in one unit and moves in the flow (this energy in the room is incredible) and above all see the satisfied faces after the Savasana. This fills me with so much love and joy.
SAYSORRY: What does »being spiritual« mean to you?
Kristina : Difficult question. For me, spirituality means dealing intensively with yourself and your feelings. That you believe in something that science can't get cold, like the chakras.
SAYSORRY: Don't forget this famous question... What three things would you take with you to a desert island?
Kristina : My yoga mat, my fiancé, my phone to keep in touch with my family.
PS: What is your favorite SAYSORRY design?
Kristina : Phew... they're all really cool! Got me for: »I Do Yoga. I'm spiritual and stuff«.
To Kristina's favorite design 👉 CLICK